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How J.A.Books works? 
We are run by three authors [Jimi Alan, J.A.Brown, and Georgea Mayo]. 
We are funded by the authors who want their books to be featured. 
This means, if J.A.Books doesn’t get enough sponsorships or authors making requests, then we will stop all J.A.Books productions.
J.A.Books also is run by volunteers.
Due to lack of funding, we can only have volunteers, for the time being. 
Once we're able to change to a full-time staff, we will.
This means, we may not answer your questions right away. 
Most of our volunteers are authors, so we do get caught up in our own stories, which we love to write. 
And we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
If you want to join us, feel free to contact us and mention how you're willing to help out.
It could be just running the J.A.Books website, or making a few magazines or layouts for our magazine.
We always appreciate the help and support.


Authors vs Publishers
For authors, you can select a feature via our website.
Authors do get a lower and more reasonable price on our features then publishers.
This is mostly because the authors reaching out to us are independent and may not have the same funding as the publishers do. 
If you are a publisher, please reach out to us before sending in a request.
If you also have multiple books and authors you want to feature, make sure to let us know.

Authors can reach out to us here.
Publishers can reach out via here.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.


Where does the money come from?
Amazon and Instagram don’t pay us for our time. 
And we don’t make any profits from our website.
We make most of our profits off of our services, sponsors and sales from the physical copies of our magazine that are sold.


Free Options
For our free options, they are only available for authors.
You will have to reach out to us about them, via our proposal page. 
They do change and are available for a very short amount of time. 
What our free options include depends on what you want us to do. 
You can ask us to do any of our services, but J.A.Books may not deem what you’ve asked us to do as feasible. 
You can check out ‘Our Services’ down below.
Do keep in mind, everything takes time and you might not get a response right away.


Our Services Includes
J.A.Books services include magazine features, write-ups, and social media features.  


Magazine Features
Magazine features have several sizes. 
Sizes includes: 
-One-third of a page
-A half of a page
-A full page.
-And two pages. 
If you require more than two pages, then reach out to us about sponsoring our magazine. 
And we’ll let you know what the next step will include.

-You may be required to send in photos and other content for the magazine. 
-We are not responsible for the photos quality. 
-If you want us to take a photo or other content for your magazine feature,

then you may be required to pay a photographer free,

editing fees and a graphic design fee as well.  


Write-ups and Reviews
Write-ups and reviews are available via our features.
They are a paid service, which once paid for the process will be as listed below.  
Our write-ups and reviews are privately done. 
This means, we don’t post write-ups on anything, unless it’s approved by us and you. 
Write-ups do change in sizes. 
Our sizes can be found on our features website. 
Write-ups do not mean reviews. 
Once the write-up is approved by you, it’ll go public if you have selected that option.
If you haven’t selected the public option, the write-up will stay private.
Public review can appear on either amazon or goodreads. 
Sometimes we’ll put them on both, if we are asked.
Once the review is up, that’s it. 
If you have selected a magazine feature or a social media post, then the review may appear on them, but are not guaranteed.


Social Media Features
For social media features, we have two options [Twitter and Instagram].
Instagram will require a photo. 
While Twitter doesn’t require anything.
Both options can also be customized, which you can send us the caption and what it’ll say.
The caption or tweet can say anything.
And if you ordered an ad space, then we’ll use the caption inside our magazine.


We have bundles, which includes several options that are available. 
Some of the options do change and may include similar selections.
Price does fluctuate, like all of our features, and may change over time.


Duration for features and write-ups
Write-ups can take up to one week to two weeks for us to send to you.
This is because it takes time for us to read your books.
Features can also take up to a week, depending on what’s required for them.


How long does service take to process?
It takes us twenty-four hours to review your order for our services.
If you did not pay for our services and are making a request,

you might be waiting thirty days to three months, before you hear a response.


Show Your Support
We like seeing your posts of our latest issue and your comments.
They mean a lot to us and tell our volunteers that we’re going in the right direction.
If you want to see more of any kind of content, always feel free to reach out.
J.A.Books does not take donations at this time, but we do have sponsorship opportunities,

if you are interested in those options, feel free to reach out to us. 


We don’t do refunds.
At the end of the day, we have done the work. 
We’ve read your book, written a write-up, coordinated with you and so on.
All of that takes up time, and we can’t get back.
We cannot guarantee that our audience will like your content, either.
So, it is a gamble that you might not be willing to take, and we do understand.
With each book that goes in, we are also taking a gamble as well.


Fees and Advertising 
J.A.Books fees are the minimum we can charge,

for the amount of work that goes into the content's setup.
We keep our fees at a reasonable rate,

which will continue to increase as we continue to grow.
Every once and a while, we may make exceptions,

but you must be willing to do something in return for us. 


Proposals are used for Publishers, Festival and other Events to make a request for our services.
Whether it’s showcasing an author or covering an event, market, festival and so on, we’ve got your covered.
All you have to do is make a proposal for our services. 
Make sure to fill in the requirements and we’ll have a look. 


We also do requests.
You can request for us to cover something.

This can include a topic in an article, special issues of our magazine

(only available for publishers with large numbers of authors who want over 40 pages of their content in our magazine)

to be released, products, small ads and so on.
Just because you make a request, doesn't mean we will be able to do it.
Make sure to fill out all of the requirements for each section.
Requests and proposals can take up to five business days, for us to get back to.


Down below are some frequently asked questions.


1. What is your reach?
Our paid options have 3,653,120 unsubscribed readers and 60,519 subscribed readers. 
And the free options have 29,272 unsubscribed readers and 782 subscribed readers.

This means our current unsubscribed readership is 3,682,392 and our subscribed readership is 61,301.
J.A.Books magazine is released at the beginning of the month of Feburary , June and October

With the only exception being our 'End of the Year' Issue,

which is released between J.A.Books Magazine  Winter Issue and Valentine's Issue
Last updated on Oct 1st, 2022 


2. How old is J.A.Books
J.A.Books went public/live on Nov 4th 2020. 


3. Where are you located?
Halifax, NS, Canada.


4. Can I have an honest write-up?
Yes, all of our write-ups are honest.
We also do feedback if there’s anything we’ve noticed,

that you might want changed to improve the reading experience.
Feedback is not for public consumption. 

5. Can I make changes to the write-up you’ve done?
You can make suggestions to our write-ups.
There is an additional fee for changes.
Unless, you make the changes yourself.
If you made the changes yourself, and we have an issue with the changes,

then we may refuse to make then write-up public. 


6. How can I get my book in your magazine?
A feature click here.


7. What are the free submissions?
The free submission is a large project that we've started in June of 2021.
They are not the same as our features.
And the process is a little simpler.
Check out the rules and guidelines here.


8. Why are the Free submissions free?
We made the decision to keep them free, because we’ve seen how many places have fees.
And we are authors, who were getting tired of seeing the pay-wall continue.
So, we decided to keep them free, that way those who can't afford a feature, may still contribute to the magazine in some way.
And we hope to keep the submissions free going forward. 


9. Why aren’t features free?
You want to make money from your sales, and we understand that.
But we also need to make a profit off of ourselves as well, afterall you are asking us to prompt you.
Our paid features are one way that we keep the lights.
If your book is free, then you can always write a proposal, and we might consider it.
Click here to send in a proposal
Click her for features


10. Is there a difference between the free and paid options?
Yes, as you can tell from question 1 in our FAQ, we get asked about our reach the most.
The amount you reach with the free options is very low compared to the paid options.
We don't do this on purpose, there's just more people who want to see the paid options.


11. Is J.A.Books magazine, an official magazine?
We are not an official magazine.
J.A.Books magazine acts more like a newsletter to update our readers on what’s going on.
This includes what books we are reading, what new products we have out and what books we've reviewed. 


12. Why do I have to pay for a feature?
We need to eat, pay bills and so on as well.
Our paid options help keep us running for longer.
If we don't get any paid features, then we will close.
It's that simple.


13. When are your free options available?
Free options are only available when there is a sale going on, Holidays and our anniversary.
But you can still send in a request form or a proposal as well.


14. Do you actually read all the books that are sent in or requested?
Yes, qe read all the books that we say we have read or are reading.


15. Do you read all the books to the end?
No, qe only read the books that catch our attention, right to the end.
If you're interested in what one's that includes, feel free to leave a comment. 
And we'll be happy to let you know. 
Keep in mind, we do read a lot of books. 
We might not remember everything about each one.


16. If I get a write-up, is that a feature?
If you just get a write-up, that's all it is.
The same goes for magazine features or social media posts.
They are not included with each other, unless you ask us in a proposal or ordered a bundle.


17. What's the difference between a write-up and a review?
There isn't much of a difference between the two.
We call them write-ups because we are critiquing what is inside the book.
And sometimes we might give feedback as well, which people don't typically do in a review.


18. Why are there so many questions on your FAQ?
Because we get a lot of questions.
And we like to answer them and keep the answers in one place.
If you ask us a question on our social media accounts, your question might appear here with an answer.


19. Are you a Publisher?
J.A.Books is not a publisher. 


20. Have you ever been asked to sign with a publisher?
Yes, but we always refuse.
Mostly because they ask for too much and pay too little. 


21. Can you publish my story?
Yes, as long as it fits our criteria for the free submissions.
Send it in here.


22. Are LGBTQA+ Stories allowed?
Of course, we don't discriminate. 


23. What genre do you prefer to read?
Jimi Alan likes fantasy and romance, mostly, and loves to read comics.
While Georgea Mayo likes adult romance with some kind of supernatural twist.
And J.A.Brown likes science fiction that's full of action and thrilling adventures.


24. How often do you post?
Every day, with the mornings being reserved for our paid features and some of our free ones too.
We post twice on Mondays, Wednesdays, Friday, Saturday and sometimes Sundays. 
On those days, we post in the afternoon something's a little more personal,

which can sometimes be seen on our personal accounts as well.
And on Wednesdays, we mostly post about the free submissions and any comics we have read or something personal.
The other two days [Tuesday, and Thursday], we only post the books we are reading.
Or books that'll be featured in our current or next magazines issue.


25. What's your hours of operations?
J.A.Books is open between 8 am to 5 pm AST on Monday to Friday.
We are closed on Sunday and Saturday. 
You can reach us via social media on the weekends.
But don't expect a quick response on the weekends.
If you send in an order on the weekend, we won't respond until we are open.
We are also closed on most Holidays.


26. Can I pick what date the feature goes up?
You can pick whatever day you want the feature to go up.
But if that day is a holiday or someone else has already picked it.
Then we'll let you know.
We only allow paid options to pick the dates,

so if you want to pick the date, make sure to pay.


27. Can I join your team?
To join our team, press on the word 'contact' down below.
And make sure to send in your resume, and what position you would like.
You can be a book reviewer, help with the magazine or anything else. 
And we'll see if a position is available.


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