NEX:GEN Series

We Stand
Three weeks after, Shiloh McKenzie had rampaged across New York Island. The city had started to be repaired. With the rampage still fresh in the civilian’s minds, Sue Leroy decided to prepare DINA’s new team of non-heroes. She has high hopes for her new recruits.
Gathering the team together in the newly developed DINA Headquarters, was the hard part. With the team members arriving at the tower, Jimi Leroy found out what kind of position his mother had hoped he would take on. With a glance around at his teammates, Jimi found out who would be a great fit for the position.
As a prison transport with Shiloh and the legendary, Ken Frankson is stopped before arriving at a new facility. The transport for the prisoners is stopped. With Ken and Shiloh both losing in the city, the citizens are afraid of what they might do. The team is given the task of finding the fugitive before they can rampage through the city.
Will the team be able to work together?
Trinity Hush
Two weeks have passed since the Light Queen's attacked Manhattan. The new team of royals has returned to their normal lives. With the aftermath of Light Queen's attack, the world around them begins to become unrest.
The news of the threat that non-humans pose to the peaceful people of the New United States of America, making the public opinion of the team begin to shift against them. But when the word of a targeted assassination shakes the city, the team has to make a decision.
Will they stop the assassins and return peace to their nation? Or will they stay out of the investigation, like the public wishes?
What will Jimi and his team of newly formed heroes do?
Four weeks have passed since the Confederation sent an assassin to the New United States of America. The team is faced with the consequences of what happened in their nation, while they were divided. Uniting back together, the people of the New United States of America put their differences aside.
The rise of war with the confederation and the northern nations of America begins to unfold. With the new addition to the team, Kay and Hush try to prove their loyalty has changed. Iva had a suspicion that Kay’s not being truthful to them.
Heading under the city to the ruins of the ancient, the team starts its path towards the Atlantic Union. They have no idea what kind of state the underground ruins are in.
Leo found a use for the code he was keeping in the armour. Exploring the code’s makeup, Leo fears someone has made a new way to attack their nation. Exploring the code, Leo finds his use among his teammates.
We Descend
Heading towards the Atlantic Union, Jimi and his teammates get ready to approach the border of the New United States of America. The team is faced with their largest enemy, they have ever come across yet. With an army across the bridge, they head into the underground below the Atlantic Union.
The confederation's army of soldiers waits for Jimi and his team to get close to them. They prepare for what the young heroes might have planned. But the armies plan is revealed. Shattering the city above and collapsing the surface into the underground. The chaos around the young heroes has become too much for them to bear.
Will the young heroes be able to save the citizens. Or will the confederation take over the New United States with a single strike?
Find out what happens next, in the final novel of the NEX GEN series.